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Exploding Balloon

by Bessie Mattope
(Lilongwe, Malawi)

I will be decorating a wedding event on the 9th of April. The wedding will be in a Marquee. How can I mount an exploding balloon on the roof of a marquee since it is made of fabric? Is it advisable to use a manual wand (pointed dowry rod with electric tape) as a handle to pop the balloon?

On another note, is there a simple instruction on making balloon bride and groom? I have seen some pictures on the Internet. What is the groom's hat made of?

Yours advice will be appreciated.

Thank you

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Exploding Balloon
by: Margit

Hi Bessie,

Most marquees I've seen have some kind of frame running around the edges and through the center of their roof. If this is the case for your marquee, you could suspend the exploding balloon, or "balloon bomb" as they are often called, from the frame. If there's no frame in the center of the roof, then I am not sure how to do it. I don't think it would be a good idea to attach the exploding balloon directly to the fabric.

To pop the balloon you can either use a wand, as you described, or - if you want to pop the balloon bomb remotely - you can wire the exploding balloon to a firing box. Please also see my earlier answer to a question about how to make a balloon bomb.

Regarding your question about a bride and groom... there are different types of balloon brides and grooms. Some are made entirely with twisting balloons, some entirely with round balloons and some are a combination of both. I don't have instructions for how to make them, but please check out the tips about making a bride and groom in our FAQ section.

Best of luck with your wedding. I would love to see some photos of your wedding balloon decorations.


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