I want to make the bride and groom from helium balloons

by alfreda
(lafayette la)

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I want to make the bride and groom from helium balloons and would like to find instructions on how to complete the task.

How to Make a Bride and Groom out of Balloons

Hi Alfreda,

When you say you want to make a bride and groom from helium balloons, I am guessing you're referring to round latex balloons and not the long balloons used for twisting?

There are lots of different bride and groom designs, from small table top decorations to life size balloon sculptures. Many of them use a combination of round and twisting balloons.

You can see a selection of bride and groom designs on my page featuring 21 spectacular wedding balloon decorations.

By the way, there's no need to fill the balloons for a bride and groom sculpture with helium. In fact, I highly recommend you inflate the balloons with air to a) save cost and b) because air-filled balloons last longer.

In addition, you don't want to let your bride and groom sculptures float away, right?

The video below shows a quite unique bride and groom design by the guys from Balloon Market. It may not be exactly what you had in mind but still give you ideas and instructions on how to create the bride and groom to your liking.

You can also follow along with the video instructions on this page.

If you were looking for a smaller design, I recommend this "Bride and Bride" video tutorial by Balloon Artworks.

To adapt it to a bride and groom tutorial, you'd simply choose different colors and hairstyle for one of the sculptures.

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Bride & Groom Recipe in Qualatex Magazine Images, 1994 Issue
by: Rita

Qualatex magazine "Images" Nov/Dec 1994 issue page 14 has a recipe for making the bride & groom. It is a smaller version than what I am assuming you want but it is a good start.

I would just modify the instructions to use larger balloons since you want this to float.

I wouldn't use anything smaller than an 11" balloon downsized to maybe 9" or 10" in a cluster of 5 or 6 balloons. All depends on how tall and wide you want this to be.

I also saw the Prosper video and I have to tell you I used to be a professional clown and went to a balloon class he gave that I thought was for making balloon animals.

It turned out that it was for balloon decorating and that class made me decide that I LOVED balloon decorating.

Good Luck!

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