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Unique Valentine Balloon Gift Ideas for DIY Lovers

Surprise Your Sweetheart with a Homemade Valentine's Day Gift That Won't Break the Bank

Let me show you two unique Valentine balloon gift ideas that you can easily make yourself.

The first one is a classic, helium filled Valentine balloon bouquet with a floral base. Even if you've never worked with balloons before, you'll achieve a stunning result — pinkie promise.

The second example is an air-filled balloon centerpiece using a MaxiCup pole. With helium being in short supply and rather expensive, this design is ideal for you if budget is tight. 

DIY Valentine Balloon Bouquet

Created in six easy steps, this Valentine Balloon Bouquet is one of the best personalized Valentine's Day gifts you can give to that special someone.

You can't give the same bunch of flowers or box of chocolates year after year, can you? 

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DIY Valentine Balloon Bouquet

Here's What You Need for this Valentine Balloon Bouquet:

Valentine balloon bouquet materials

Step 1: Preparing your Mylar Heart Balloon

Take 150cm length of white curling ribbon. Measure 100cm and at that point fold it back over on itself, leaving the remaining 50cm for curling. Take 5cm of sticky tape and apply it to the folded section of ribbon (fig. 1).

Carefully attach it to the neck of the heart balloon, on the opposite side to the self-sealing filling valve (fig. 2).

Attaching ribbon to mylar balloon heart
Using sticky tape to attach the ribbon to the valve of the mylar balloon.

Step 2: Inflating the Heart Balloon

OK, let's start blowing up the balloon with helium. Gently insert the nozzle of your 'filling station valve' into the opening of the balloon self sealing valve (fig. 3). As you do this, take care not to use too much force in case you tear the mylar.

Keeping a firm grip with your thumb and index finger, begin inflating the balloon. The type of valve we are using here is commonly called a 'Quick Fill Station'. It works simply by applying downward pressure to the black flexible section.

If you've never used one of these before, press it down very gently so that you get a slow, controlled release of the gas.

Continue to blow up the balloon until it begins to feel firm (fig. 4). 

Inserting helium tank nozzle into mylar balloon valve.
Inflating mylar balloon heart with helium.

Step 3: Attaching the Heart Balloon to the Base

Tying balloon ribbon to floral base.

Tie the balloon ribbon to the nylon line of your pre-prepared base with two securing knots (fig. 5). The height of the heart should be roughly 80cm to 100cm.

Step 4: Preparing the Latex Balloons

Take the first of your white latex balloons, slip its neck gently over the valve of your 'filling station' and begin inflating (fig. 6). When the balloon is filled approximately to its optimal size, check it using your balloon sizer (fig. 7) and inflate or deflate as required.

When the balloon is the correct size then you tie a knot. Check out our "Tips & Tricks" for an easy and quick way make a balloon knot

Begin inflating latex balloon with helium.
Checking size of helium balloon with balloon sizer.

Step 5: Attaching the Ribbon

Cut about 1.5 m of ribbon. Leaving half a meter spare, tie it in front of the balloon knot (fig. 8). Tie a second knot to attach the ribbon securely.

Pass the other end of the ribbon under the nylon line on your base. Adjust the height of the latex balloon until it is just touching the underside of the mylar heart (fig. 9). When you're happy with the positioning, tie the ribbon to the base with two securing knots. 

Attaching ribbon to latex balloon.
Adjusting height of latex and mylar balloons.
Arranging the three mylar balloons at the same height below the mylar heart.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining two balloons. When finished, the three latex balloons should be sitting at an even height (fig. 10).

Your masterpiece is almost complete. So, let's move on to the finishing touches.

Step 6: Add the Finishing Touches to your Valentine Balloon Bouquet

We need to tidy up the curling ribbon on the base. So take your scissors and trim the excess as close to the knots as possible (fig. 11).

Next, curl the loose ends of the ribbons at the balloons. To do this you take an open pair of scissors. Starting at the knotted end, place the ribbon between your thumb and the blade edge and then pull the scissors down the entire length of the ribbon.

Try not to grip too tightly as you'll make the curls too tight (fig. 12). 

Add finishing touches to your Valentine's Balloon Bouquet.
Curling the ribbons attached to the balloon neck.

Take about 60cm length of white tulle and tie a decorative bow around the ribbons just above the plant (fig. 13). To add a final delicate touch, place your balloon bouquet on a doylie as shown in our example.

That's it! Told you that you can make this Valentine balloon bouquet with ease!

Use tulle to tie a decorative bow to the balloon base.
Finished Valentine's Balloon Bouquet.

Valentine Balloon Gift Idea #2: Air-Filled Balloon Centerpiece

Air-filled Valentine balloon centerpiece as shown in a BMTV video tutorialSue Bowler and Greg Brown demonstrate how to create an air-filled Valentine themed balloon centerpiece.

Our second DIY Valentine balloon gift idea doesn't require helium. It has a longer life-span than the bouquet and — thanks to the excellent video tutorial by Sue Bowler (see below) — you shouldn't have any problems creating it.

Materials for the Valentine Balloon Centerpiece 

Good to know: Start preparing the centerpiece one day ahead. The Gorilla Glue you use to attach the pole to the tile needs 24 hours to harden properly. You'll hear more in the video.

There you have it! Two beautiful Valentine balloon gift ideas that you can easily create yourself. 

Would love to know which one you're going to try. Let me know in a comment!

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