How do you make a Balloon Bomb?

Balloon Bomb at Wedding [Image source:]

Balloon Bomb at Wedding [Image source:]

Can you please explain how to make a balloon bomb?

How to Make a Balloon Bomb

For a "balloon bomb," also called an "exploding balloon," you'll need a 36" latex balloon and fill it with about 80 to 90 x 5" latex balloons. You can also add confetti for more effect.

How do you get the smaller balloons into the large one?

Here's a video that shows how to do it:

The balloon bomb is typically suspended above the dance floor of the venue, or wherever you want the drop to take place. I've also seen balloon bombs placed on top of floor standing balloon columns.

To explode the balloon you have two options:

Option one: The manual method.
Attach a sharp pin, small pointy knife or a dart to a long stick or wand. This is the easiest and cheapest way to burst the balloon. On the downside, you have to be close to the balloon, which could mean walking into the middle of the dance floor.

Option two: The remote method.
Use a professional detonator or balloon explosion kit to pop the balloon. There aren't many products on the market. The only one I could find is the Qualatex Q-Boom Exploder Kit.

This is the more elegant way to explode the balloon, especially as you can pair one remote control with more than one receiver and explode several balloons at once. On the flipside, the Q-Boom is rather expensive.

Also check out the answers to these related questions around balloon bombs:

How to Mount an Exploding Balloon on the Roof of a Marquee

How Long Before the Wedding Can I Make an Exploding Balloon?

Best Way to Stuff 6 inch Balloons Into 3ft Exploding Balloons

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baloon confitte bome
by: heirloom flowers and balloons

thanks for shareing with us and how do you fix on the roof of the dance floor .
Confitte fill the next one for us to see.

How to make a balloon bomb.

Great article.

If you scroll down the link below near the bottom of the page, it actually shows 'how to make a balloon bomb'

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