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How can I make balloons hang heavy from the ceiling?

I need to hang balloons from the ceiling upside down (not from a net, individually from strings). I need to make them look heavy. Should I blow them up as normal but add a little water for weight?
I will obviously get high quality balloons...

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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Balloon Bomb NEW
by: Margit

Hi Zboot,

What you describe sounds like you want to make a "balloon bomb." Normally, those are filled with small, 5" balloons. But I guess you could also fill them with candy, if you don't add too many.

You can find more information at this page about how to make a balloon bomb.

Best of luck,

how tohang a big weding balloon on the ceiling NEW
by: zboot

how can i hang a big wedding balloon stuffed with candy,how long it`s will stay,how we can release it to drop it over the bride and groom,and what we should do if the ceiling is high.



Visual Weight
by: Arizona's Balloon Artist

To make a balloon look heavy, you will need a very dark color. You can double stuff the balloon to ensure you have good coverage under the lights and adding a bit of water to the inside balloon will keep it from blowing with a breeze and add a bit of insurance just in case of popping.

Be sure that you let the client know the risks of the water being in the balloon. If this is over a $300 may not be allowed to do it.

by: Susan

Perhaps you could add a light inside...that might add a bit of weight :)

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