Wunderbar! Very Informative & Modern Balloon Course

by Marcos
(...here today, there tomorrow!)

This course really caught me off guard. I was certainly not expecting this much information and so easy to read.

As an American CBA living presently in the UK and having lived 20 years in Germany. I could really giggle and sympathise with Margit's story on the Germans and balloons. Hence, stressing the importance of market research.

This course nailed my questions and concerns on the head. After working almost 2 years in a retail party shop with balloons & balloon decor, I am looking to temporarily start up a balloon home business. I have no concerns about my skills but about the start-up costs involved and how to keep them low. At the shop where I worked I had everything I needed to create quick and wonderful designs, at home I'm starting from scratch. So this has helped me to keep things a little bit more in perspective, prioritise and itemise.

Another big question for me was marketing and customer acquisition, what if I invest this money...and nobody calls? Well, Margit thought of that too with her very modern approach to the internet and personal networking.

The reason my balloon home endeavor is "temporary" is because I very soon hope to relocate to a tourist area with a high concentration of possible international clients...many of them German, where I hope to start a balloon business. So the information in this course has answered so many questions yet created even more questions but went further to answer those, as well.

Thank you Margit...excellent work.
Vielen Dank und drück mir die Daumen.


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Thank you! Dankeschön! NEW
by: Margit

Hi Marcos,

Thanks so much for your enthusiastic review of my eCourse.

I am glad that it answered many questions for you.

Wishing you lots of success for your plans to open your own balloon decorating business. Hopefully you'll have a good number of other nationalities too as potential clients... as you know, many Germans aren't too fond of balloon decorations.

Would love to hear how it's going for you. Perhaps you'll submit some of your work to our Photo Gallery or to my Facebook Page?


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