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Where can I get the net for this type of balloon arch?

by Dodie
(Lubbock, Texas)

Large balloon drop net [Image source:]

Large balloon drop net [Image source:]

I have been told that you can purchase a thin netting that you fill with helium balloons and it makes an arch. I have never seen one and need it for an event in less than a week. Any ideas? We need a large arch to go over the entry way (two lane street) at the start of a fundraiser walk. Help please!!


The only thing I can think of is to use a balloon release net or tube. You need to make sure to tie both ends of the net securely to a sturdy weight, perhaps lamp posts?

The biggest net I could find is this 45 ft balloon net at It holds up to 2000 x 9 inch or 1000 x 11 inch balloons.

Amazon also has them in different sizes. Just do a search for "balloon drop kit".

It wouldn't really look like an arch, more like a straight line or a garland, as shown in the photo I uploaded.

However, if you could release the balloons, that would add a spectacular view to your fundraiser walk. You'll find a few pointers about doing a balloon release (including a link to step-by-step instructions) on my page about 4th of July decorations. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Hope that helps,


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