I was at this party and saw these pretty large circular balloons with looped stretchy string on one side (opposite to the blowing air end). This allowed the kids to loop them through one side and bounce them around on their hands in a yo-yo action. The kids went wild and loved these.
Do you know what kind of balloons these are and where I can get them?
Answer: Where to Buy Yo-Yo Balloons
I believe the balloons you describe are literally called "Yo-yo" balloons. They are small, round balloons that are filled half with water and half with air.
Contrary to what you described Annie (as you said the string is attached opposite the balloons neck), the yo-yos have a long elastic with a loop on one end for a finger attached to the neck of the tied, inflated balloon.
When thrown down, the water in the balloon pulls down while the elastic brings it back up, insuring that this "yo-yo" always returns!
They are popular in Japan, where they are won in a kind of fishing game (Yo Yo Tsuri). For the game, the yo-yo balloons are set floating in a tub of water. Players "fish" for the balloons with a hook at the end of a twisted paper string. Because the paper string breaks easily, it's quite challenging to get the "fish" out of the water!
The video below shows how to make the yo-yo balloons yourself.
Suzuki Latex, the makers of the video, offer a pack of 100 yo-yo balloons complete with sealing clips, rubber bands and a balloon pump at Amazon.
Comments for Where can I buy these yo-yo type balloons?
is it a round balloon filled half way with water. with a rubber band attached to the knot of the balloon.and a hoop for the finger.when you put your finger through the hoop you can throw it anywhere and it comes right back
Perhaps you mean punch-ball balloons? by: Stig
You say they were LARGE round balloons, if so, they were probably punch-ball balloons, which may be inflated to roughly 15" or so. These are widely available from party shops, etc. Even the pound-shops sell them in the UK!
YO Yo's by: Vicki
I am not sure what you mean about the Yo Yo balloons, sounds a bit like a donut balloon maybe I would like to know too, have you got a photo?
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