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Where can I buy perfectly round non-helium balloons?

by Madeline
(south Florida)

Where to Buy Round Non-Helium Balloons for Stunning Decor

Where to Buy Round Non-Helium Balloons for Stunning Decor

I am working on a project. I need perfectly round balloons. I need to blow them up and then I will be breaking them. I need a few different sizes. I can't use helium balloons. I don't know where to find them. Thank you.

Where to Buy Round Non Helium Balloons: Here's My Answer

I am not quite sure what you mean with "I can't use helium balloons," so I'll provide a few different solutions:

Option #1: Round balloons made of stretchy plastic

These balloons are made of stretchy PVC, not latex. They are often transparent, and look gorgeous when combined with LED lights.

Popular types or brands are Bobo Balloons, Qualatex Deco Bubbles and Anagram Orbz Balloons.

Option #2: Round shaped latex balloons

Most round latex balloons are rather large, 24 to 36 inches. But I've also seen smaller ones, like this 17 inch Tuf-Tex balloon in beautiful blue slate color, or these 5 inch Qualatex balloons.

Option #3: Reusable weatherproof balloons

DuraBalloons are weatherproof, reusable balloons made from specially engineered plastics. These 18"x18" balloons are designed to hold their shape and vibrant colors for extended periods, even in extreme temperatures.

Unlike traditional balloons, DuraBalloons are helium-free and inflate using a hand pump or air compressor with a cone tip attachment. They are rather expensive and come with a with a 30-day warranty.

Option #4: Beach balls

Finally, you could even try beach balls as an affordable alternative to using round balloons.

Hope that helps and wishing you the best of luck for your project,


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Blowing up latex balloons.
by: Anonymous

Insert a straw into the latex balloon to blow it up.

by: Anonymous

I appreciate all the great response. I found some round balloons - are you ready - at the Dollar Store. The giant balloons are way too big for what I needed them for.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP. Have a great week.
Madeline :-)

Big Ballons
by: Anonymous

This site is awesome and I'm glad to have found it! Thanks for all the help you have provided us!

Beach Balls !!!
by: Madeline

I may use beach balls!!! I think the dollar store has them. Thank you so much for all your help.

Perfectly Round Balloons
by: Margit


What material are you looking for, if it's not latex?

Perhaps you could use beach balls instead of balloons for your project?

Or use a mechanical pump to blow up the balloons?

If you could explain a bit more what you need, I might be able to help further.

All the best,

Thanks for the information
by: Madeline

regarding the round balloons, but I'm still having some difficulty.

I want perfectly round balloons that I can physically blow up. I need them in 3 different sizes and I don't want a 3 foot balloon because it's too large.

Latex doesn't work because I can't physically blow into the balloon to blow it up.

Are there any other tid bits of information out there? Thank you so much!!! Very much appreciated.

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