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Where can I buy a DIY kit to assemble a grape with balloons?

by Isandra

Bunch of Grapes made out of balloons [Image Source:]

Bunch of Grapes made out of balloons [Image Source:]

I am looking for a DIY kit to make a bunch of grapes with balloons.


Hi Isandra,

I assume you want to make a bunch of grapes costume, right? Not sure if you can buy a complete kit, but it's also not necessary.

All you need are purple or green latex balloons in different sizes (9", 11"), color matching yarn or ribbon, green felt and safety pins.

If you search for "how to make a bunch of grapes costume" you'll find a variety of articles with instructions.

One of the best ones I found is this article "DIY Purple Grapes Halloween Costume Idea Using Footed Pajamas", as it also has some images.

Or, if you are looking for instructions how to make a bunch of grapes balloons sculpture, here's a good tutorial:

Hope this helps,

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