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What would I use to make cheeks rosy on a balloon figure?

by Tanya
(Las Vegas, NV)

Balloon baby with rosy cheeks [Image found on Pinterest]

Balloon baby with rosy cheeks [Image found on Pinterest]

I make tons of princess' babies and other balloon figures that I would love to put a soft pink rosy tone for their cheeks. Someone PLEASE tell me what you have used. Thank you so, SO very much!


Hi Tanya,

I am not sure that I know the right answer to your question.

Would it work if you used rose colored markers? There are several brands and types of markers that you can use to write on latex balloons.

I've written more about how to write on latex balloons here.

Perhaps one of our readers will have a better suggestion.

I've uploaded an image of a balloon baby I found on Pinterest. Are those the kind of rosy cheeks you are trying to make?


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Rosy cheeks NEW
by: Anonymous

Try facepaint

cheeks rosy
by: Anonymous

This is my photo. I used cheap cream blusher.

Need blush? Try lipstick.
by: Anonymous

Why not wear a bright lipstick, kiss your finger, then place a kiss on each cheek with your finger?

Rosy Cheeks
by: Anonymous

Yes. That is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. LOL I have used the lightest pink Sharpie bu I just don't know how to make it face out like blush would do on a regular cheek. Maybe I am asking too much. lol

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