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What weight in grams would I have to use to hold 3 party size helium balloons down?

by Kat
(Manchester, England )

I have made some balloon weights from material and sweets. Now I am not sure if they will be heavy enough to hold my helium filled balloons?

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Balloon weights NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the advice re balloon weights. I've really enjoyed making lots for my granddaughter's Christening party. I followed the weight guidance above (approx 30gms for three standard balloons) and am nervous now because they seem very light. I wonder if these weights are suitable for holding the balloons ONTO the table, or whether they are for simply allowing them to "float"? Thank you.

Calculating Balloon Weights
by: Margit

Hi Kat,

I assume you are using 11 inch round latex balloons for your balloon centerpiece? Filled with helium, their lifting capacity is 0.339 ounces (= 9.6 gr). For a balloon centerpiece with three 11" balloons, your weight would need to weigh at least 1.2 ounces or 28.8 gr (3 x 0.399 ounces or 3 x 9.6 gr).

Hope that helps,

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