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What solid substance can I use to fill a large mylar character balloon with for permanant display to hang?

by Monique Darling
(Northbridge MA USA)

I want to display large character balloons in our store and hang them above on a wall. I am looking for some permanent material to fill them with (like Great Stuff or something cheaper and light rather than a gas.) Any ideas?

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Solid Substance for Filling Mylar Balloons
by: Margit

Hi Monique,

I am afraid I don't have a good suggestion for you. I did some research and found this answer on "instructables". They suggest to use 15 minute epoxy or quick setting casting resin.

Another option may be silicon or liquid rubber used for crafts.

If you are worried that your foil balloons won't last long enough when you fill them with air, you can rest assured that they last for a very long time. Our readers reported cases in which their mylar balloons stayed firmly inflated for close to 30 years!

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