What are the best tulle and organza ribbon to wrap a 3 ft balloon.

Hi, I want to wrap a 3ft ballon in tulle and tie off in organza ribbon. Could you tell me please which tulle and ribbon would work without weighing it down too much. And anything else you think I should know.


Hi there,

I don't think there are big differences in the weight of tulle. In general, tulle is a very lightweight material. According to Tullesource.com, 25 yards of their 54" tulle weighs 1 lb.

That means 1 yard weighs about 18g. You'll probably need 2 to 3 yards to cover your 3ft balloon fully, resulting in 36g to 57g.

The Qualatex Helium Chart says that a fully inflated 3ft balloon can lift up to 339g (12oz).

Organza ribbons typically are delicate and lightweight too and shouldn't add too much extra weight.

Hope that helps!


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