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Wanted: Tips on Hanging Balloon Columns from a ceiling

I need to hang 12 maybe more balloon columns from a gym ceiling. I am using the click click magnets to attach them to the rafters and monofilament line to hold the balloons. The balloons will start 3 ft. from the rafter and then each column will either be 3, 5 or 7 ft. long with curling ribbon streamers hanging from the middle of them.

Does there need to be a support piece at the top of the column (balloons closest to the ceiling) and will I need anything at the bottom of the column? Don't want the balloons to fall off the line obviously. Thanks in advance for your input!

P.S. I attached a photo of what I would like to do. Seems simple enough but wasn't sure if there are any tips for the top and bottom of the columns.

Comments for Wanted: Tips on Hanging Balloon Columns from a ceiling

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Reply to Maxine
by: Margit

Hello Maxine,

We have a step-by-step guide about how to make a balloon column here on this site.

And if you want to create a column without using a pole, here's a great video by "Ask me For a Balloon"...

hanging balloon column
by: maxine

How do I start to make a balloon column?

by: Anonymous


I stumbled upon this by accident. Fab idea look at this site brilliant device. Couldn't be easier to make any display. Good luck.

reply to hanging balloon columns
by: Sue

I was considering using a cardboard circle... it wouldn't be seen at the top. the balloons will be airfilled so the weight shouldn't be a problem. the weights hold 10 lbs. on one ring.

Hanging Columns from Ceilings
by: Margit


I actually haven't done that myself yet. But I think that the balloons own weight will hold them in place (assuming that you fill them with air).

Perhaps you could place a cardboard or styrofoam circle on top of the top row, if you are worried that they might get out of place.

But, as Sean said, be careful about the weight. Make sure the magnets can hold the total weight of the column.

Good luck.


Hanging Column Tip
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your comment. I guess I'm worried the first row at the top might pucker having nothing flat against it to keep that row straight... like when there is a base at the bottom of a standing column.

Hanging Balloon Columns from a ceiling
by: Sean O'Kelly

In short.
As long as you wrap the line at top and bottom of your Column securely all should be OK.
Wrap the line around the centre knot area of the balloons several times and this should hold.
Sometimes it is also advisable to put a small balloon weight at the bottom of the column ensure it hangs straight, but because you are using Magnets you have to be careful about the weight.
Be sure to pack the Clusters on the column tightly and this should not be a problem.

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