Type of Knot

by Maisie

How to Hold a Bunch of Helium Balloons

How to Hold a Bunch of Helium Balloons

What type of knot do I use for a bundle of balloons where I want to easily remove one balloon at a time to hand to a child, for example?

Did you land on this page because you wanted to know how to tie balloons together into duplets or clusters of four or more balloons?

Fear not. You'll find the answer (with video) in my how to make a balloon column tutorial.

And now, let's answer Maisie's question.

Hi Maisie,

You are talking about helium filled balloons on a string, right?

I've described one way of doing this in my answer here, about preventing balloons from tangling during a parade.

In this video you can see how the Pros at Disneyworld do it.

And this video from Justin's Toys demonstrates making a knot with a handle. This seems a good way to transport a bunch of balloons, but might be a hassle to open the knot each time you want to hand out a balloon:

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