Number 50 Balloon

I am doing a friends party on Saturday and would love to know how would I make a number 50 in balloons.

ANSWER: How to Make Number 50 Balloon Sculpture

I am assuming that you mean the type of balloon numbers that are made of a frame and clusters of balloons?

For this kind of decor, you will first need to form the numbers with aluminum rod. I recommend using 1/4" aluminum rod for smaller and hanging designs.

If you want to create large, free standing numbers, you should use 1/2" aluminum rod. Just be aware that the thicker rod is more difficult to bend.

When the frames are done, blow up your 5 inch balloons with a manual or electric pump, create clusters of 4 balloons and attach them to the frame.

Please also check out this page about balloon numbers where I answered a similar question in more detail.

As an easy alternative, you could simply buy large foil numbers 5 and 0 and create the number 50 this way. Take a look at my balloon letters and numbers page for inspiration.

Good luck with the party!


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Bases for Numbers
by: Margit

Please take a look at our base for balloon columns to get some ideas how to make a stand for balloon numbers.

Support to Stand??
by: Anonymous

How do i make the structure stand? Support? If so, what kind of support??

by: Anonymous

I would love to know how to do the number 30. I learned the # 15 and it was easy and came out great!

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