My balloon won't blow up...

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I bought a pack of balloons but I can't get them to inflate, any ideas?

Tips for Blowing Up Latex Balloons

I am assuming you are talking about normal, round latex balloons, right? Blowing up balloons yourself can indeed be tricky.

One tip to make it a bit easier is to stretch the latex balloon in all directions before inflating it.

You could even fill it with water to get the latex to stretch.

Please see my complete list of tips for blowing up balloons.

My personal preference? Use a pump! Manual balloon pumps only cost a few dollars and make it so much easier to inflate your balloons.

Hope that helps,

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Return the balloons? NEW
by: Margit

Hi there! Sorry to hear that you can't inflate those balloons, not even with a pump.

Try filling them with water to get them to stretch?

The only other idea I'd have is to return them and get your money back!

mine either! NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a pump! I bought fancy shimmer ones and they will not blow up no matter what I do!

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