Line for Balloon Arches with Spaces Marked on it?


I need to buy some fishing line that has the spaces already marked on it. It's for a balloon arch behind a table. I cant remember what it's called. Can any one tell me please and also where to buy some? Thanks.

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Balloon Arch Marked Line
by: Margit

Hi Mandy,

The type of fishing or mono line you are looking for is called "balloon arch marked line". It's perfect for spacing balloons evenly for a String-of-Pearls arch. The line is available with marks for 11" and 17" balloons. The folks at BalloonHQ had listed a number of suppliers (but this list is from 2008, so I am not sure how up-to-date it is): ACP, All American, Alpha Marketing, Balloon Gallery, Big Fun, Brody's 800-4-Balloons, BWI, J&R, Joker, Lauderdale Paper, Midwest, MSR, Rainbow, US.

Brody's 800-4-Balloons still sell the marked line. With the other suppliers, you would have to enquire for it.

Hope that helps.

And as always, we would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from birthday parties or other events are welcome too).


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