Latex balloons as void fill packaging

Use latex balloons as eco-friendly void fill? | Share or pin for later!

Use latex balloons as eco-friendly void fill? | Share or pin for later!

Hi! I read your great answer about what would happen to balloons in a gift box in the hull of a plane.

I'm looking into using latex balloons, really small ones blown up to about half, as a beautiful and eco-friendly void fill packaging solution.

I sell handcrafted jewelry in Australia,, and quite often post to the US and UK. I need something in the box to stop the beautiful package from moving around.

As latex is biodegradable I thought this would be a better solution to excessive bubblewrap.

It is also a really beautiful solution, opening a gift with a couple of balloons just adds to the occasion.

In the previous answer you said that the balloon would probably be mylar and also the distance was across the United States not on a flight that could last 24 hours.

I don't want to send a beautiful package that when it is opened has only burst balloons. What do you think of my idea?



Hi Kylie,

Thanks for your kind words about my answer regarding the transportation of balloons in a plane's cargo hold.

After some more research I found out that the pressure in both passenger cabins and cargo area are about the same, and (in most commercial planes) similar to the pressure of 8,000 feet (or 2,440 meters) altitude.

Unless you live at such an altitude, the pressure will be lower than when you inflated the balloons, so they will expand.

Temperature conditions are harder to predict, because some cargo areas are heated, and others aren't.

It's unlikely though that temperature will be higher than when you inflated the balloons, so the only thing that can happen is that the balloons shrink.

I believe that if you use 3 inch balloons and blow them up to no more than 2 inches, you should be fine.

The worst that can happen is that they shrink and perhaps look a bit crumpled when they arrive at their destination.

I really like your idea. Not only is it more environmentally friendly, but also a very unique way to package your jewelry (which is gorgeous, by the way!).

Would love to hear how it works out!


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Reply to Chelle
by: Margit

Hi Chelle,

Thanks for adding your experience to this novel packaging idea!

I didn't know that bags of chips are underinflated when they are being transported by plane. Makes total sense though.

When you take a regular bag of chips with you on the plane, it expands and looks like an upset pufferfish!

Underinflating is the way to go, both with bags of chips and balloons!


Balloons as packing material
by: Chelle

I worked in a potato and corn chip factory.

Artificial air is pumped into the bags with the chips and sealed.

The bags that are to be boxed and flown anywhere are purposefully underinflated to a specific measurement to protect them from popping.

This approach probably applies to packing balloons too.

I plan to try it myself.


You're Welcome, Kylie!
by: Margit

Glad I could help, Kylie. Looking forward to hearing your success stories with your unique packaging idea. :-)

Thanks Margit
by: Kylie

Hi Margit, You have a great site. Thank you for taking the time to research and answer my question.

I really appreciate it. It gives me the confidence to try out my idea. Thanks also for your kind word about my jewellery.

I will definitely tell you how it goes when I get some feedback from my customers.

Best wishes

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