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How to keep clear balloons clear

by Charisse
(New York)

I am having a hard time making my helium filled clear balloons crystal clear. I bought the super hi-float (the woman at hi-float said I can use super hi-float) and did the dip balloon with pencil method.

Although it made it a little better, it was still cloudy. I then put some hi float in the balloon first, then dipped. It did make it clearer that way.

I tied with a clip and waited until the next day. The balloon deflated a little and the balloon was cloudy again. I filled it back with helium, and the balloon still looks streaky and somewhat cloudy.

Am I doing something wrong??? Help!!!

ANSWER: Tips for Keeping Clear Balloons Clear

Hi Charisse,

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It's just a pretty difficult task to keep crystal balloons clear, both on the inside and outside.

The producers of Hi-Float recommend using their product in diluted form. You'd mix one cup of Ultra Hi-Float with two cups of warm water.

Rinse off the balloon (both sides) and dry completely. Dip it into the mixture and use a straw to move the excess off the balloon.

Air inflate the balloon (or use nitrogen) and it will almost be dry when it's inflated. If it isn't, use a hair dryer on cool to completely dry it.

As this method is pretty time consuming, you can only apply it when you have just a few balloons to do.

In addition, you can spray the outside of the latex balloons with Hi-Shine, a new product from the manufacturer of Hi-Float.

Please also check out my tips about preventing stuffed latex balloons from becoming cloudy.

Hope that helps,


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