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How to get rid of powder inside diamond clear balloons?

by Mary

My diamond clear balloons are not clear when I initially inflate them.


Hi Mary,

Yeah, unfortunately all latex balloons contain a fine powder which helps release them from molds when they are manufactured.

Have you tried turning the balloon inside out and rinsing out the powder with water?

I also found this tip over at Balloon HQ:

"You'll get the best results for a clear balloon if you use regular hi-float (not super hi-float) in a 1:1 ratio mixed with water.

Rinse off the balloon (both sides) and dry completely. Dip it into the mixture and use a straw to move the excess off the balloon.

Air inflate the balloon (or use nitrogen) and it will almost be dry when it's inflated. If it isn't, use a hair dryer on cool to completely dry it.

This is a pain in the *** if you have lots of balloons to do, but if it's just a few, you'll love it because they are really crystal clear and will stay that way quite a while."

Hope this helps. Let me know how you're getting on.


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