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How to "float" a banner with balloons

by Millie
(San Gabriel, CA)

We would like to use balloons to hold up a 2 feet by 3 feet paper banner.

How many balloons on each side of the paper would be needed to make the banner "float" in the air?

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Float a Banner NEW
by: A Balloon Basket and Gift Florist

We use 36 inch latex - one on each end and one in the middle to hold open.
Instead of several 12 inch - use 24 inch as topper with 12 inch collar and put on top of banner thru middle of balloon quads. Use glue dots. Test lift power.

Lifting Ability of Helium Balloons
by: Margit


As was said by bcbc it's important that your banner has a rigid element to keep it open, as balloons float and don't keep their exact position, even if you anchor them to the table or ceiling. Conwin's 'Table for Helium Balloon Lift Ability' shows a lift ability of 0.35 oz for an 11" balloon and 1.2 oz for a 16" balloon. So you can use these guidelines to calculate the number of balloons you will need.

I suppose it would be better to tie the balloons a couple of inches above you banner than directly on to it. I would strongly advise to test it before actually going "live" with it.

All the best,

How many ballons?
by: Anonymous

We are hosting PTA dinner & in charge of decorations. The event will be held inside the school's cafeteria for about 5 hours.

We would like to use 12" balloons to hold up a 2 feet by 3 feet "butcher sheet paper" banner. The banner will have a drawing of our school's name & mascot on it, with some ribbons hanging from its side.

We would like the bottom of paper banner to hang above our table at about 8 feet high.

How many balloons on each side of the paper's width would be needed to make the banner "float" in the air while keeping the ballons & banner anchored to the table?

Would it be best to tie the balloons right at corners of the top of the paper or maybe have the ballons tied above the corners of the top a couple of inches? We are thinking maybe 3 ballons on each corner will work? If not, how many?

How many ounces can a balloon hold up and for how long?

lifting a banner
by: bcbc

Forget about trying this unless the top of the banner has a rigid pole to keep the banner flexed open. Fully inflated 16" latex balloons have 1.2 oz of lift at 0 elevation.

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