How to fill balloon with sand

(New Zealand)

I've tried to follow your instructions but cannot get the sand to fill the balloon to the size of a tennis ball. Actually I wouldn't mind it being slightly bigger. Once the sand is in, the balloon doesn't expand - i.e. I thought the more sand I put it the balloon would allow this to occur and would increase (as you would when you blow it up). So please help, I can't seem to get the size I need.

Any tricks.

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How to fill a balloon with sand
by: Margit

Thanks for pointing this out. This step has been missing from our instructions for the table base, and I have added it there now.

Here's the trick:
Before you fill the balloon with sand, you need to pre-stretch it by blowing it up to approximately half it's normal size and letting the air out again.

If you feel it's still too tight, just inflate it two or three times.

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