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How much weight will a 12" balloon hold?

by Geri
(Lynchburg, VA)

I am renting an octagonal shaped hall that has a balcony all around it and a high cathedral ceiling. I would like to have swags of tulle hung from the balcony across the center of the room. There are no supports or columns at all in the center.

If I were to use 12" latex helium balloons to hold/lift the tulle up in the center, how many will I need? The span is approx. 15-20'.

So the tulle swags would be pretty long. Is there any way to calculate approx. how much weight each balloon would hold?

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Lifting Capacity of Helium Balloons
by: Margit

Hi Geri,

The approximate lifting capacity of a standard 11" helium filled latex balloon is about 0.35 oz or 10 g. A 14" latex balloon lifts about 0.8 oz or 22 g. You would have to weigh the tulle swags to calculate the number of balloons you need.

Best of luck with your decoration.


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