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How long do mylar balloons stay firmly inflated?

by Marc
(Modesto, Ca)

How long do mylar balloons last? | Share with a friend or pin for later!

How long do mylar balloons last? | Share with a friend or pin for later!

Can a mylar balloon stay firmly inflated for years, or is its life much shorter? THIS APPEARS TO BE A NON- HELIUM BALLOON.

How long do mylar balloons last?

To answer Marc's question, let's first look at non helium foil balloons, i.e. mylar balloons filled with air. Thanks to the many comments from my readers we can confidently say that mylar balloons last a long time, anything from a couple of years to 10, 15, 20 and even 30 years.

That's quite impressive! And it seems they stay firmly inflated for all these years, looking as plump and round as they did on day one.

These mylar balloons remind their owners of the happy moments when they received the balloon, for example of the birth of their son or daughter, the first date with their spouse or their own birthday as a child!

Special thanks to Doctor D. who explained why mylar balloons stay inflated for so long. He wrote:

"Mylar and foil balloons are made of a non-porous surface unlike latex balloons that lose gas through the surface and entrance/exit port.

If you glue or seal the opening of the mylar/foil balloon it can stay filled indefinitely for the life of the material which would be thousands if not millions of years.

So these experiences with 30 year old inflated mylar balloons just mean that the knot in the entrance/exit port is either sealed completely or really tight so that gas is exiting extremely slowly."

Does this apply to helium filled balloons as well, I wonder?

How long do mylar HELIUM balloons last?

Helium molecules are smaller than air molecules. That's why latex balloons filled with helium deflate quicker than air-filled balloons. It stands to reason that the same applies to helium filled foil balloons.

Most resources talk about a float time of 3 to 5 days for a standard size 18 to 21 inch helium mylar balloon. Some people claim they'll float for up to a few weeks, and I've read about one experiment where the helium foil balloon lasted for 70 days. Unfortunately the blog post has no pictures.

The larger the balloon, the longer it will usually float. The environment plays a role too. In general, all types of inflated balloons last longer indoors with consistent air temperatures and no direct sunlight exposure.

For more first hand experiences with how long mylar balloons stay firmly inflated, browse through the comments below.

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Helium 2.5 months and counting
by: Anonymous

My coworkers tied three mylar balloons to my chair on my birthday 07/18. today is 10/03 and they are still floating.

Thanks to Richard, KeeleyD and Carly B.
by: Margit

From 100 days to 39 years... the stories your mylar balloons tell and the memories they keep alive are simply amazing.

Thank you all for sharing your "how long do mylar balloons stay firmly inflated" tales.


by: Carly B.

My family stuck a balloon in my high school graduation cake. I graduated in 1994 & am 47 years old today & my balloon is still inflated
really well! I can't believe it's been 20-30 years receiving! Never seen/had a balloon like it. A++++++++

39 year old mylar balloon on a stick
by: KeeleyD

My nana brought me a mylar balloon with Micky and Minnie mouse on when I was 6 months old on a day out with her. It has now reached the amazing age of 39 and it is still firmly inflated. We last nana 10 years ago so even more precious. It is boxed protected and out the way. When I moved house we took it in the car with us instead of with the removals van.

100 days old and still going
by: Richard

I have a helium filled mylar balloon still floating in my kitchen. At this point I just want to see how long it will last, it was inflated the night before my son's birthday. Today is a hundred days.

Reply to Lorraine
by: Margit

So your son was born in 1986... and as I am typing this, it's 2023... that means your "It's a Boy" mini mylar balloon has reached the impressive age of 37 years!! 🤯

Incredible! Thanks for sharing, Lorraine.

Reply to Daisha's Mom
by: Margit

Thank you so much for sharing your sweet and sad story with us.

I hope that the mini mylar balloon will stay with you for many more years to come! 💜💜💜

Daisha's 18 year old mylar balloon.....fully inflated
by: Anonymous

I've had my daughters mini mylar balloon since the day I had her 18 years ago. Its bittersweet because she was premature. Only lived 8 days. I feel like this balloon (her balloon) being here, and fully her way of saying I'm still with you momma!💙💙💙💙

balloon from 1986
by: Lorraine

My son was born in 1986 and I received an "Its a boy" small inflated balloon. It is still in 100% perfect condition. Blows my mind every time he has a birthday and the balloon is another year older too !

Thank you all for contributing your mylar balloon stories!
by: Margit

Big thanks to everyone who shared how long their mylar balloon stayed inflated.

It's mind boggling to hear that some of you had a balloon for 30 years or more!

Special thanks to Doctor D. for explaining why these foil balloons can last for so long.

Since 1999
by: Anonymous

Since 1999 my daughters birthday Mylar balloon is still 100% inflated.

Birthday Balloon Keeps On Truckin'
by: The Bluesterman

Got my Happy Birthday balloon in 1995 and it is still as firm as the day I received it. Was glad to find this site so that I can now be pretty sure there aren't aliens living in it or something equally strange. Just good old new fangled materials technology. Woo-hoo!!!

Possibly forever. Balloon Science
by: Doctor D.

Mylar and Foil balloons are made of non-porous surface unlike latex balloons that lose gas through surface and entrance/exit port.

If you glue or seal the opening of the mylar/foil balloon it can stay filled indefinitely for the life of the material which would be thousands if not millions of years.

So these experiences with 30 year old inflated mylar balloons just means the the knot in the entrance/exit port is either sealed completed or really tight so that gas is exiting extremely slowly.

Hope this helps.

Mylar balloon
by: Anonymous

I have a Christening Mylar Balloon that looks like it was just inflated from 9 years ago....very firm!! I won't move it from it's spot for fear, it will go down. I thought it was just mine...glad to see there are others out there.

Not anymore
by: Greg

Have Mylar balloons changed? Here in 2017-2019 timeframe we have refilled our Mylar balloon every year and it only lasts for a couple months. Maybe a 30 year Mylar balloon wasn’t good for return business?

Mylar balloons
by: Bjharrison

This story is for the history books. This is 30 yrs old and the Mylar balloons are still up!!!When my daughter was born on 10/10/1988 my son got this arrangement for me that was in a hat type container with more ribbon. Over the years the container fell apart but the Mylar balloons stayed up. They have been thru over 15 moves and 3 states. They are now beginning to show their age so before they decide its time to go down I wanted to share their story... never would I have thought these Mylar balloons would still be up 30 yrs later!!!!!

Long lasting ballon
by: Anonymous

I have a large 16 inch ballon that is still firm after 10 years it came on a string. It was for my daughters birthday. She died 8 years ago. And yes I do see it as a sign that she is still with me.

23 years
by: Anonymous

bought in 1994 for the birth of my daughter "It's a Girl". still tightly inflated after 23 years. took it outside once and it went limp but perked back up when i brought it back inside. kept in closet.

It's a boy 26 year old mylar
by: Anonymous

I have an its a boy Mylar fully inflated but it's only 26 years old lol, I'll check back next year. Take care y'all

16 years
by: Anonymous

I thought we were the only ones to have a balloon stay inflated for this long. But glad to know it should stay inflated for many more years.

28+ years old
by: Anonymous

The "It's a Boy!" mylar balloon (on a stick) we received at the birth of our son 28+ years ago is just as plump as it was in 1988! For years it was in the closet, then I realized this special balloon has become a family treasure and merits a place of honor. Now it's displayed in our glass-front cabinet where it's protected from mishaps and dust. I'm AMAZED it's still in perfect condition!

16 years
by: Anonymous

I received a balloon when my son was born in January 1999 he passed away 3 days later.. the 30th of this month will be 16 years.. still looks like it did the day I got it..... I believe it's a sign he is still with me... ♡

11 Years and Counting
by: Anonymous

My dad (RIP) bought my daughter one when she was born 11 years ago and I still have it. (It's fully inflated). I have never heard that balloons can do this and I was slightly disappointed that others have the same experience. I know that sounds weird but it was something inside me that made me feel as if this was him showing us he was around....... :-(

mylar balloon inflation
by: Anonymous

I too have a small mylar ballon bought in 1998 and it is still inflated firmly. I thought I was he only person with one!

27 and counting
by: Anonymous

I got one when my son was born 27 years ago. It is still inflated. The stick came out years ago so it was put in a 1 gallon ice cream bucket where it remains until it comes out each year to have his birthday picture taken. Still counting.

29 Years
by: Keeley

Mine is 29 years and still firm. Any ideas how best to store them to keep it that way. Its been in hot and cold temps so far but need to make sure it does not go down

a long time
by: Anonymous

We are at 26 years and counting

12yr old mylar balloon
by: mamawolf1215

my husband gave me one when we 1st met and 12years later it is still as firm as when he 1st bought it.

Mylar Air filled balloons
by: B x

I have a 19 year old air filled mylar balloon which is in exactly the same perfect state as it was in 1992 when I got it when I was just 6 years old!

by: icel

my husband gave me a 4inch mylar balloon almost 4 years ago and it is still the same size as it was just yesterday..

small balloon in a stick with iloveyou on it
by: Anonymous

have tiny balloon i know it's acrylic balloon. it's a small tiny balloon in a stick have it for almost a year now...

13 year old Mylar balloon
by: Anonymous

I've had one that in a month will have stayed inflated for 13 years

Air Filled Mylar Balloons
by: Margit

Hi Marc,

I have heard of cases where a helium filled mylar balloon stayed up for more than 2 months:

So an air filled foil balloon will definitely stay inflated for longer.

But whether they would stay firmly inflated for years, I can't tell you. I doubt it though, as they will lose some air through the opening where you inflate them.

Hope that helps,

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