How long do air filled Link-o-Loon Balloons stay up?

by Fiona

Im am making a balloon arch for my sons 2nd birthday party.

How much time in advance can i make the arch? Im using link-o-loons air filled.

Please can you give me some help?

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Air Filled Link-o-Loon Arch
by: Margit

Hi Janette,

If the link-o-loon arch is completely free standing, I would suggest to fill the balloons with helium.

If it's possible to place the arch between the buffet table and the wall, you can use air and won't need a frame. Alternatively, you could attach the center of the arch with fishing line to the ceiling. This would also give it some stability.

Also check out my answer to a related question about making a link-o-loon arch.

Hope that helps,

Link o loom arch
by: Janette

Hi I was thinking of buying the link o loom balloons as I want to make a arch over the Buffett table do I have to use a frame or can I just use the link o loom balloons as I want to air fill them much appreciated

Air filled Link-o-Loons
by: Margit

Hi Fiona,

You will find the answer to your question in my comment about working with link-o-loons.

Wishing you lots of fun for your son's second birthday!


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