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How far in advance can I start my balloon tower?

by Amy
(Mililani, HI)

How far in advance can I blow up the balloons?

How far in advance can I blow up the balloons?

I want to do 2 balloon towers for my son's birthday that are about 5' tall. The party starts at 5 pm and ends at 9 pm. How early can I blow up the balloons and build the tower?


Hi Amy,

I suppose you are talking about air filled balloon columns (or towers, as you called them).

Some professionals blow up their air filled balloons up to 3 weeks before the event, but I would suggest you should inflate them a maximum of 5 days in advance.

Store the inflated balloons in a large, clean plastic bag that closes tightly over the balloons. Otherwise the balloons will oxidize and lose their shiny surface.

Large trash bags (55 galloon clear drum bin liners) will do the job just fine.

Good luck with your son's birthday.


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Reply to Becky
by: Margit

Thank YOU, Becky!!

Your wonderful "thank you" comment made my day! :-)

by: Becky

I found this page SO helpful! Thank you for taking the time to answer everyone's questions- even when we are not actual customers.

Reply to Chancee: Storage in clear plastic bags
by: Margit

Hi Chancee,

Thanks so much for pointing this out.

It's not important that the plastic bags are clear. They should be clean, of course!

You can definitely use the black trash bags for storing your balloons.

Sorry for the confusion.

Is Clear Plastic Necessary for Storage?
by: Chancee


I found this page looking for an answer on how early I could inflate balloons for columns and garland... I noticed several times a response stating that the balloons needed to be stored in CLEAR plastic bags to avoid oxidation.

Why do the bags have to be clear? Can I use black trash bags that I have on hand?

Thank you,

Reply to "Stuffing Balloons"
by: Margit

Are you going to use a balloon stuffing machine to create your stuffed balloons?

The Makers of the Classy Wrap balloon stuffing machine, say on their FAQ page:

If created and stored properly, balloons should be expected to last for weeks or months. The following tips can be used to help extend the life of your balloons:

* Use a Safe-Tite sealing disk to close balloons to help keep air from escaping out the neck of the balloon (these are included in our designer kits.)

* Place completed balloons inside of the protective polypropylene balloon bags, to reduce oxidation.

* Keep balloons out of direct sunlight and hot environments.

* Place balloons in our designer gift boxes to provide further protection from popping as the balloon is transported (gift boxes also provide a nice finished look for your balloons).

These are all great tips, and also apply when you stuff the balloons manually (except using a sealing disk - you'll probably just tie the balloon in a knot).

Stuffing balloons
by: Anonymous

Planning on using stuffing balloons n stuffing them with little dolls, just going to air fill them. Was just wondering how far ahead I can make them before the party filled with air and completed.

Reply to Kathy "balloon arch"
by: Margit

Hi Kathy,

So, today is the 25th of February. St. Patrick's Day is March 17, that's in 20 days.

Like I said further down, some professionals blow up their air filled balloons up to 3 weeks before the event, but I would honestly not do that - unless you are using Mylar (foil) balloons.

My suggestion would be to inflate your latex balloons a maximum of 5 days in advance.

To prevent them from oxidising it's very important to store the balloons in a plastic bag that closes tightly over the balloons. Large trash bags or mattress bags will do the job just fine.

balloon arch
by: Kathy

Hhi I am making a Rainbow balloon arch for St Patricks day decoration. I am filling them with air not helium.

Will they last until St. Patricks day March 17 2019. Is there something I need to do in order for them to stay inflated. Thanks Kathy

Reply to "2 days ahead?"
by: Margit

Hi there,

Yes, you can blow up the balloons for your airfilled columns and garland 2 days before the party.

But you should store them in large plastic bags that close tightly around the balloons to prevent them from oxidizing.

2 days ahead?
by: Anonymous

Can I make my (air filled) balloon garland and colums 2 days before rhw party?

Air filled latex balloon help
by: Anonymous

Hello, I am making all the balloon arches for my 21st birthday myself which is this saturday. How soon can I begin pumping the balloons and creating the arch/garland?

They will be in air conditioning until the day of the party which we will then hang them outside as the decor. Please let me know, thank you so much!

Reply to "Anonymous" about helium or air filled
by: Margit

Balloon columns are usually made with air-filled balloons.

Helium is rather expensive, so you'd only use it for decorations that you want to float, like a Pearl-of-Strings arch or balloon centerpieces.

Also, if you fill balloons with helium, you can't blow them up in advance. They lose helium much faster than air.

Ballon garland
by: Anonymous

Do you use helium to blow them up or just air ?

Reply to Kristin
by: Margit

Hi Kristin,

The balloons will expand slightly when you take them out of your air-conditioned house into your trailer, and then they will shrink to their initial size again.

As long as they don't expand too much, you should be fine.

Can you test how much they expand with a couple of balloons before you make your columns? In any case, it would be a good idea to under-inflate your balloons a bit, so that they don't pop when they expand in the warmer trailer environment.

Good luck! Wishing you and your daughter a most wonderful Sweet 16 Party!


Balloon Column
by: Kristin

So I'm making two 6 foot balloon columns for my daughters sweet 16. It's at a hall so I was going to make the balloon columns the day before and transport the whole columns.

Would the balloons be fine going from an air conditioned house to a warm trailer back into air conditioning?

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