How do you make a Shooting Star Column?

shooting star balloon column

shooting star balloon column

I need help on how to make a shooting star balloon column.

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Reply to Anonymous "Please Help"
by: Margit

Your question...

Do you attach the conduit to the standard column? Or is the whole column made from the conduit?


The whole column is made from the conduit.

Please help
by: Anonymous

Do you attach the conduit to the standard column? Or is the whole column made from the conduit?

how to make that bend
by: Sush

I would like to know how to bend the ends of the column into the arch like form?

Reply to Sush
by: Margit

Hi Sush,

This design is very similar to a balloon column. The only difference is that you need to bend the conduit into the curved shape before attaching the balloon clusters.

Please take a look at our page about how to make a balloon column.

We also have instructions for making a balloon column base.

Hope that helps!


shooting star column frame
by: Sush

Is there a shooting star arch picture without the balloons or how to make one? Please help.

Size of Foil Star
by: Margit

Regarding the question about the size of the foil star...

As this isn't one of my designs, I don't know for sure. The columns are quite tall, so I am assuming they used 20" stars.

what size is your star?
by: Anonymous

what size is that star? is it 18"? or 20.please email me at

Conduit Length
by: Margit

Regarding the question about the conduit length for the shooting star balloon column...

It depends how high you want the columns to be. In the photo above, I would estimate that the conduit is between 2m and 3m (6.5ft to 9.8ft) long.

Conduet for shooting star
by: Anonymous

How long do the conduet have to be to make a shooting star.

Shooting Star Column
by: Margit

The term shooting star column can have different meanings. Some decorators use the term for a column that conceals a confetti cannon for creating the special effect of shooting confetti over the people walking through the columns. But from your photo I guess that you are referring to a different type of shooting star columns.

The columns shown in your photo are built similarly to the balloon column we feature on our site. To get the curved shape you'll need to bend 1/2 inch conduit to form approximately one-third of an arch. To anchor the column you should use a heavy (about 50 pound) base. So I would advise to use steel boards rather than plywood as we used in our balloon columns base.

And as always, we would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from birthday parties or other events are welcome too).


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