How do You Make a Pink Ribbon Balloon Sculpture

Cancer Ribbon Balloon Tutorial [Source: Ask Me For a Balloon]

Cancer Ribbon Balloon Tutorial [Source: Ask Me For a Balloon]

I want to make a Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon with balloons. What are some tips in doing this? Only 5 feet high.


Hi there!

For a smaller sculpture like you have in mind you don't necessarily need to use a frame.

In the video below Tanya shows how to make a cancer awareness ribbon with 41 quads of 5 inch balloons, curling ribbon and a few 260q balloons to help create the shape.

She shows two variations of how to place the sculpture on a stand, either with just one stand or two.

As stand, you can use cheap floor lamps like the IKEA NOT lamp.

If you wanted to make a larger sculpture, check out my tips about creating a frame for a cancer ribbon balloon sculpture.

Hope that helps!

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