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How do you add curly balloons into your sculptures?

How to Add Extra Flair with Curly Balloons | Share or pin for later!

How to Add Extra Flair with Curly Balloons | Share or pin for later!

I see all over the Internet how to do all sorts of balloon decorations but I see nowhere that shows how to add the long skinny balloons (260's curled) into your designs! So how do you do it?

Do you just stuff them in or do you have to twist them in somehow?

How to Make Curly Balloons and Add Them Into Your Designs

There are various ways to make curly balloons. The simplest way would be to inflate the 260Q and then twist it around your arm. This method will give you more of a wave rather than a tight curl though.

To curl them tighter, pre-inflate the 260Q balloon with a hand pump and let the air out again. This helps to remove the elasticity of the balloon so that it will keep the spiral form better.

Now wrap the deflated balloon around your index and middle finger. Use an electric inflator to blow up the 260Q and voilá, you'll have a nice curly Q!

If you don't have an electrical inflator, ask a friend to inflate the balloon with a hand pump. The Qualatex two way pump works like a charm!

And here's my favorite way for creating curly balloons… It's like magic!

STEPS to make balloons curl really easily:

* Put a 160Q balloon into a 260Q balloon before inflating
* Tie a knot at the end of the balloons (not the neck), making sure you got both balloons
* Use a hand pump to pump up the outer 260Q balloon, keeping hold of both balloons
* Watch as the balloons curl into a tight spiral.

Magic! See?

How to Add Curly Qs to Your Existing Design

You'd do this the same way as you would add round latex balloons. Tie two curly long balloons together to form a duplet. Then twist the duplet around the existing balloons in your design where you want it.

In the example you uploaded, you'd first create the balloon ball and then add the curly Q's by twisting them around the round balloons in the ball.

If you want to add a single balloon spiral to your design, tie a length of ribbon or an uninflated 160Q to the neck of the curled balloon so that you can attach it to the other balloons.

Adding curly Q's to a balloon column, topiary or other balloon design is a simple way to increase the perceived value of your work without costing you much in terms of money or time.

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Curly balloons
by: Anonymous

I tie two together like your regular duplex and then wrap them in around other balloons. Just tie the necks as close to the end as you can. It’s exactly how I add my small duplexes to my garlands.

Curly q's
by: Anonymous

How Do You Get Them To Curl Like That?

by: Pam

I was taught to make duplets and wrap them around one of the balloons or pole if using one. For the picture above, I would make the completed ball, then make curly q duplets (I use qualatex so I call them "curly q's") and wrap them into the ball where you are wanting them.
Hope that helps.

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