How do I suspend Balloons?

by Carla
(Wenhaston, Suffolk, England)

I would like to know how I suspend balloons from the ceiling? I have seen the magnets but what is if there is no metal in the ceiling, how do I suspend something without damaging the ceiling?

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Ceiling decor
by: Carolyn

You could use a pressure clamp if there is a beam. Also you can throw a line over anything on the ceiling (pipe, beam, air duct, etc) and lift the sculpture, then tie it off.

How do I suspend Balloons?
by: Sean O'Kelly

This is granting you can actually reach the ceiling.

Here in Australia we have 3m removable hooks for hanging pictures. They do not leave a mark when removed.
Unless there is beams or an an air vent or something else to attach to you pretty well got no more options.

Sometimes a line can be stretched across the room to attach the balloon to ............ again the options are getting fewer.
You could check out my website and you might find some inspirational ideas amongst my pictures

Sean O'Kelly
Balloon decor

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