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How do I make this organic balloon arch?

by Khatera

Organic Balloon Arch (Found on Pinterest)

Organic Balloon Arch (Found on Pinterest)

Hi there! I would like to create a demi organic balloon arch for a baby shower, similar to the one I uploaded in the photo. Can you explain how to best create such an arch? Thank you.


There are two different methods to create such an organic half balloon arch.

One is with chicken wire. For this method, the arch should be located close to a wall. Here's a good tutorial, with description and video:

The other method is to create a garland by tying balloon duplets and quadruplets to each other, using fishing line or string, and then attach this garland to a balloon column stand.

The garland is longer than the stand, so the excessive length of the garland builds the horizontal part of the arch (which needs to be attached to the ceiling, with fishing line).

This is a bit hard to explain, so you better watch it in this video tutorial:

Hope that helps! Good luck with your arch.


A week after Khatera had asked her question, she emailed me with the following update:

I finally did it! The baby shower that I was doing the balloons for was this past Saturday and everyone loved it! I made it organic and really did the design I orginally wanted rather than the design I sent you a picture of.

It was easier doing it this way I kinda winged it as I went along. I didn't use any poles or chicken wire since I was able to attach the balloons to the wall using fishing wire and zip ties.

Thank you so much for answering my questions! I was so nervous about doing the balloons and you really made me feel at ease.

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures since I was running around but see the attached picture I was able to capture.

(You can see the picture of Khatera's arch at the top of this page. Congrats for creating such a beautiful organic arch!)

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Reply to: How many kits for a 9x9 feet arch?
by: Margit

For a regular 4-cluster balloon arch you'd calculate 135 x 11 inch balloons for a 9 x 9 feet arch, and 150 x 11 inch balloons for a 10 x 10 feet arch.

I used my balloon arch calculator to get these numbers. You can request a free copy of the calculator at the link above.

For an organic balloon arch, you'll need more balloons though. Some experts say you'll need 8 to 9 times the number of balloons compared to a classic arch, in various sizes and colors.

You wrote that your kit contains 102 balloons. This wouldn't be enough balloons for the arches you have in mind.

This rainbow balloon arch kit includes 412 balloons in four different sizes. Judging by the images and the customer reviews, it would be enough to create your 9 x 9 or 10 x 10 feet arches.

Considering that the kit you purchased contains 102 balloons, you would need to order at least 4 kits for each balloon.

How many kits for a 9x9 feet arch?
by: Anonymous

I bought Amazon kits for an organic arch. How many kits do I need for 9x9 feet arch? And how many kits for square arch 10x10 feet? The balloon kit contains 102 balloons in mixed sizes. Thanks!

Reply to: DIY or Pro
by: Margit

That's a great tip, Rachelle, about how to find a balloon decorator in your area.

Another way to find a balloon business is to look in our International Balloon Decorators Directory.

The directory is divided into sections for Australia, UK and Ireland, USA and the rest of the world.

DIY or Pro?
by: Rachelle

Congrats, Khatera, on a beautiful balloon arch! For anyone out there doing it themselves, if for some reason you decide that you've got too much on your plate to set up your own balloon arch, you can always look for a local company nearby that offers balloon decoration services.

We provide a similar service in Chicago making balloon arches, balloon columns, etc.

You could do a Google search for "Balloon decorator near me" or "Balloon decorator in _________ (city)"

Reply to: Who keeps the garland?
by: Margit

Hi there!

You would define this in the contract with your customer.

Typically the balloon professional keeps anything that's reusable, like the balloon column or arch stand, the frame and any props like in this design example.

If it's a long drive to the venue, you'll have to decide what makes more sense financially: drive there after the event to pick up your stuff or leave it there, and include the expenses in your price.

Hope that helps,


Who keeps the garland?
by: Anonymous

After making the garland for other people, who gets to keep what from the garlad?

Here are a couple of things to help
by: Grand Design Balloons @bulldogballoons

To calculate how many balloons you need to do an arch, watch this video on the same YouTube channel (Burtonplusburton):

Or click on this link:

There are various tools to help you calculate the number of balloons for different designs (columns, garlands, string-of-pearl arches). The tools are only available for members of Balloon Pro. However, there's a 7 day free trial.

OR you can google Chris Adamo CBA.

He is amazing!

How many balloons (Reply to MichelleH)
by: Margit

Hi Michelle,

I don't know exactly how many balloons were used for the organic arch shown on this page.

For a traditional, 4 balloon cluster arch you would calculate the number of balloons depending on their size with this simple formula:

5 inch balloons = 12 per foot
9 inch balloons = 8 per foot
11 inch balloons = 6 per foot
14 inch balloons = 4 per foot
16 inch balloons = 4 per foot

An organic arch is packed much tighter than a regular arch. You also need at least 4 different sizes (5", 11", 16", 36").

And you need each size in various colors, or shades of the same color (typically 5 to 8 colors).

On Sue Bowler's Very Best Balloon blog I've read that some balloon pros calculate 8 to 9 times the number of balloons (and cost) compared to a standard design.

Request a free copy of my balloon arch calculator to help you with calculating the number of balloons (including for organic arches and garlands).


by: MichelleH

How many balloons were used to make the free standing arch?

Reply to Sarah
by: Margit

Hi Sarah,

In the first example (with a frame made of chicken wire), you'd use removable utility hooks and gaffer tape to attach the chicken wire to the wall. Both items are removable and should not damage the wall.

In the second example fishing line is used to hang the free swinging part of the garland / arch from the ceiling.

If there are not fixtures in the ceiling to attach the fishing line to, you could again use removable hooks, suitable for ceilings.

Hope that helps!

How to attach balloon garland to wall
by: Sarah

How do you attach your garland to the wall. Please?

Reply to Tame - What type of balloon?
by: Margit

Hi Tame,

What a wonderful idea to make an organic balloon arch / garland for your son's first birthday.

The apparent "thickness" of some of the balloons used is because they are double stuffed, i.e. one balloon inside another one, in two different colors.

You can see this about 1:30 minutes into the video that's on this page.

As balloon brand, most of the professional decorators use Qualatex.

Hope that helps! Would love to see a photo of your organic garland.


What type balloon?
by: Tamy

Hello, my son is turning one and I would love to make a balloon garland like this one.

I noticed that the balloons you used are thicker and matte than normal balloons. What brand are they? What do you recommend? Thank you so much.

How many balloons?
by: Anonymous

How many balloons were used to make the organic arch shown in the video?

Party Zealot
by: Sheena

It looks so professional and beautiful. It seems difficult to make but it is not. TO understand better I will suggest to watch the video.

by: Margit

Thank you Kelly. Glad you like the tutorial. 😊

by: Kelly

Great tutorial and brilliant idea on the standing pole. Love it, thanks for sharing!

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