How do I make a frame for a star and heart

by Joey W
(Witherbee, NY, USA)

Balloon Heart for Wall Decor

Balloon Heart for Wall Decor

How do I make a frame for a star and heart wall arrangment?

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Star- / Heart Frames
by: Margit

- For a wall arrangement you can use 1/4 inch aluminium rod
- Sketch the heart or star shape on your driveway
- A pipe bender (can be bought at a tools store) makes it easier to bend the rod into the shape
- Bend only half of your heart or star first, then lay the second piece over it to make them as identical as possible
- Connect the ends with tape or plastic tubing

Please also have a look at my comment to an earlier post about how to make a balloon heart decoration.

BalloonHQ has more information about making frames for balloon sculptures

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