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How do I make a Balloon Baby

It's pretty easy ... one balloon for the head, one for the body, and 4 sets of duplets for the arms and legs. My problem, how do you attach the arms and legs to the body? Glue doesn't work, neither does tape ... help!

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balloon baby
by: Anonymous

is there a video that you can upload on here to help me step by step please anyone???? many thanks

Balloon Baby
by: Anonymous

Another way is buy velcro tape, make sure both sides have the sticky glue.( only cut very small pieces) Good luck

Tips for glueing latex balloons together
by: Margit

To attach the arms and legs to the body you either need to use special balloon glue (can be bought from balloon suppliers) or a cool melt glue gun. We describe how to use the cool melt glue gun in our "Funny Balloon Face" design.

Good luck,


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