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How do I make a balloon archway?

by Jennifer
(Stafford, CT )

I am trying to make an archway for my daughters birthday party, buy haven't a clue how. Please help.

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Balloon Archway for Birthday Party
by: Margit

Hi Jennifer,

I would suggest you create a "String of Pearls" Arch for your daughter's birthday. It's easier to do than an air filled arch, as you don't need to create a frame.

Take a look at my balloon arch step by step tutorial page.

I am sure you'll have a stunning arch for your daughter's birthday if you follow my step-by-step guide. Choose colors that your daughter likes best.

Instead of crowning the arch with a mylar heart (as in my example) you could use a "Happy Birthday" themed mylar balloon.

Try to get some help from a friend or family member - it's much easier if you have a helping hand.

Good luck and please feel free to submit a photo of your work!


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