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How can I make a balloon stiletto?

by Victoria
(Mississippi )

Balloon Stiletto Example, found at

Balloon Stiletto Example, found at

I want to make a balloon stiletto for a party. Does anyone know how the frame would look and what size balloons to use? Thanks.


Hi Victoria,

I am guessing you want to make a sculpture similar to the one in the photo I've uploaded?

The easiest way to create the frame would be to draw the stiletto shape on the floor. Perhaps you have a driveway where you could do this, or use a large piece of cardboard.

Then you'd bend the frame according to your drawing.

For the heel you'd use 5 inch balloons, and for the rest of the shoe 9 or 11 inch balloons.

Hope that helps! Unfortunately I haven't found any step-by-step instructions for this kind of design.

All the best,

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Instructions for High-Heel Balloon Sculpture
by: Margit

Hi there,

No, unfortunately I don't have step-by-step instructions for this kind of sculpture.

High-heel shoe from balloons
by: Anonymous

Can you provide step by step instructions?

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