definitely get the clips as it will make all the difference int he world. should'nt be too expensive and well worth the $$.
balloon clips by: mandy
Thanks for the thought, there was not any clips with the hi float that i bought. and i think maby i did put to much in. i did a couple of 11in and a few 9in and they hit the floor like i had put a brick in them :-)
hi float sizer by: Ritabelle
the hi float comes with a small bag of plastic clip ons to the pump. each color represents the size balloon it is for. did you use the sizer clip for the size balloons you were working with? I can only figure that if not maybe you put too much hifloat for the size balloon and it cause it to sink. Not sure but that's all I can come up with.
hi float by: mandy
i tried the hi float with helium and made a cloud 9. it sank to the floor straight away. what did i do wrong.
Hi Float rocks! by: ritabelle
I have used Hi float when I've had to get into the day before or really early in the morning for an afternoon gig. I was skeptical at first but I blew up a few balloons of different sizes that had been treated with hi-float and wrote the date and time on them with a felt pen. I was then able to see how long they floated and I was amazed. One of them lasted for 2 weeks before it started to come down. try your own experiment but I definitely recommend using it.
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