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Giant Taco

by Rita

I need to build a giant golden taco! 5'x6' in size. Help please! Any ideas? I figure the meat will be brown 5" balloons in clusters of 2" to 3".

The lettuce will be 260's and the cheese will be 260Q's. I need help with the shell! Needs to be on a stage.

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Large Balloon Sculpture
by: Margit

Hi Rita,

I am afraid this is way over my own balloon decorating experience. The only thing that comes to my mind is that you'd need to create some kind of frame for the shell, where you could attach round balloons to. You might find some useful tips over at, in their section about large balloon sculptures.

Good luck with it. If you get a chance, please submit a photo of your giant balloon taco to our photo gallery.


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