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Correct Balloon Size

by Drew Black
(Detroit, Mi, United States)

Baby Shower Balloon Centerpiece (found on Pinterest)

Baby Shower Balloon Centerpiece (found on Pinterest)

I'm looking to make balloon centerpieces for my baby shower. What would be the best size balloons for a table top balloon centerpiece?

Are 5 inch balloons ideal for the small round balloons? And what size should I get for the long swirled balloon to wrap around the stick if my balloon stick is 20 inches?

Thank you


Hi Drew,

I am assuming that you are talking about an air filled centerpiece, like a balloon topiary tree? I am uploading an image to illustrate what I mean.

For this kind of centerpiece, 5 inch balloons are the right size to use.

(However, if you were planning to do a helium filled, floating centerpiece, you would have to use larger balloons. The 5 inch balloons don't float.)

For decorating the stick, you'll have to see whether a 160 or a 260 twisting balloon will work better. Both are 60 inches long, but the 160 is smaller in diameter (1 inch vs 2 inches).

Here's a good video explaining how to twist the long balloons around the balloon stand (it's for a larger column type decoration though):

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