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Balloon sizes in a square-packed garland?

by Steve
(Chatham, Kent, UK)

I've been learning balloon-decorating techniques for a while with a view to starting up in business. I want to have a go at making a square-packed garland/arch, and I'd like to know what size the balloons should be so that they nest together properly without showing gaps, poles, etc. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Square-packed Garlands
by: Margit

Hi Steve,
Welcome to the world of balloon decorating. The main sizes used for making square-packed garlands or arches are 5", 9" and 11" balloons. For an easy way to calculate the number of balloons per foot, check
this garland chart.

How well they nest together doesn't so much depend on the balloon size, but on blowing all balloons up to the same size (using a balloon sizer) and rotating the clusters so that the balloons snuggle nicely into the gaps of the previous cluster.

Hope that helps,

P.S.: Have you seen our ecourse "How To Start A Balloon Decorating Business in 7 Easy Steps?" It might give you some ideas how to take your business a step further.

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