Balloon Decoration Tip

We have a party in a log hall where we are not supposed to use helium balloons. We are planning to decorate the hall with air balloons. Any suggestions for decorations with air ballooons which can be less expensive?


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Where to buy bases and conduit
by: Margit

You can buy electric pipe or conduit in most hardware stores.

Getting ready-made bases for balloon arches or columns is more difficult. Only few balloon suppliers seem to carry them. I suggest you do a search for a balloon supplier in your area and ask them if they sell any bases.

Good luck,

Where to buy base and electric pipe
by: Anonymous

Hi Rosanna,

Where to get balloon arch base and electric pipe.Please mention store name.


Air Filled Balloon Decorations
by: Margit

Some examples for decorations with air filled balloons are a balloon column, a balloon heart or star, or a spiral balloon arch. For all of those designs, you need a frame to support the balloons. We describe how to make a sturdy base for balloon columns yourself.

An easy alternative to creating the whole decor - including the frames - yourself, would be to look for ready-made kits. We feature a few selected balloon decoration kits in our shop, ranging from $12 to $90.

Good luck with your party,

log hall
by: Rosanna

Hi is a lot of design that you can do with a balloon air,first thing you need to get a base and electrical pole that way you can do any design no too expensive and beautiful,you can make topiary column,crazy column,and also you can bend the electrical pipe and make all kind of design heart,numbers,start,names is a really fun to work with electrical pipe and that way you dont need to use a hellium,good luck.

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