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balloon compressor

Cool Air Inflator [Image source: Ebay]

Cool Air Inflator [Image source: Ebay]

Where can i buy a balloon pump/compressor like the one you show on your page that is listed as one of the materials needed on part 1.

I live in houston, texas and have looked in big stores like walmart...any suggestions or do you know where i can find one on-line?


Hi there,

Sorry that you are having troubles with finding an electrical balloon pump.

Specialised balloon suppliers should have them. Check out the Qualatex Distributor Network to find a supplier in your area.

At Amazon you'll find tons of inexpensive balloon pumps. They are fine if you are doing balloon decorations as a hobby.

If you are a professional decorator, I would recommend to invest into a sturdier, higher quality inflator.

The Cool Air Electric Balloon Inflator for example is a solid machine with 3 airflow levels. It fills a 16" latex balloon in less than 5 seconds and comes with 3 reducer nozzles and a one year guarantee.

This machine is sometimes also sold at Ebay, either new or used. Try this search for cool air balloon inflator to see current listings.

Hope that helps!


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I need it for party decorations
by: sandra griffiths

I make balloon decorations for children's parties.

Balloon Compressor
by: Anonymous

Hi, You can go in inflation & equipament you will find some balloon compressor. I love the one I have from them.

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