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Balloon Cleaner?

by Charlene

Start Shining: How To Clean Your Balloons and Keep Them Looking Like New!

Start Shining: How To Clean Your Balloons and Keep Them Looking Like New!

Hi there! I am new to balloon design and really enjoy it. However, I noticed that latex balloons pick up everything from hair to lint and OMG dust. The balloons then look dull and of course 'dirty'. I wipe then down with a damp towel and that does help a little but I need to know if there is something else that can be done. I want the balloons to shine and not pick up anything.

Also I have been having a hard time trying to find the big clear trash bag to transport the balloons so it does not take me that long to complete my designs. Where can I get them?

How to Clean Balloons and Keep Them Shiny

Latex balloons are indeed like little magnets for dust, lint and all sorts of hairs, from human to cat to dog hair.🐕 This happens especially when the balloon has built up some static electricity, for example when working in a dry environment.

Funnily enough, the negative electric charge of a balloon (by rubbing it against your hair or clothing) can also be used to clean lint and hair off a balloon, as shown in the video below.

An easier way to get dust, hair and particles off a latex balloon is by using a lint roller. There are also good and more environmentally friendly reusable lint rollers.

To keep the latex balloons shiny for longer, coat them with a silicon compound spray. Popular brands are Balloon Shine and Hi-Shine.

Both are sprayed directly onto the inflated latex balloon. Balloon Shine needs to be polished afterwards with a cotton glove or cloth. Hi-Shine (from the makers of
Hi-Float) doesn't need any wiping or polishing.

Simply spray the compound onto the surface of the balloon and let it dry. It first looks milky but turns into a shiny coating after a few hours. According to the producers, Hi-Shine can even make oxidized balloons shiny again… not sure if that's true though or just marketing talk. 😉

Whatever product you use, make sure to cover the floor under your work area with a drop cloth or blanket. The liquid can stain carpets and cause slippery floors!

Where to Get Large Plastic Bags to Transport Balloons

At Amazon you'll find different types of large and strong bags you can use.

There are for example these extra large clear bags specifically for transporting balloons. They measure about 2.5 x 1.5 meters/ 98.4 x 59.1 inches, so you can get a lot of balloons inside.

Another option, as mentioned in the comments, would be mattress bags. These are also large and made of heavy material, ideal for using them more than once.

Finally, you could buy large, strong garbage bags. Reli, a highly rated brand, sells heavy duty clear trash bags up to 95 gallon size.

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Balloon transport
by: Anonymous

Use mattress bags not trash bags.. The kind used to transport mattresses for moving or storage.

Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. I am sure this will do the trick. Thank you so much.

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