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Balloon Canopy

by Rita
(Oakland California)

Full balloon canopy [Image source: Posh Balloon Designs]

Full balloon canopy [Image source: Posh Balloon Designs]

I need to find out how to figure the dimensions for a balloon canopy that will cover a space of 10x10. I have the columns and need the formula.


Hi Rita,

With dimensions I suppose you want to know how long the swags will have to be and how many balloons you need, right? This depends on what type of canopy you have in mind - the main types are full canopy, open canopy and criss-cross canopy.

There is an excellent section about balloon canopies at the BalloonHQ.

And here's an article with instructions for a criss-cross canopy. It contains sketches which should help you in figuring out the dimensions for your own design.

Hope that helps!


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