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70's Disco Theme

by Charisse
(New York)

Can anyone give me some ideas for a disco party? The disco latex and mylar in neon colors are not the type of balloons my customer wants. The party is a little more classy. The disco ball looks cheesy. I am making disco ball and record foam centerpieces and need some balloon decor to go on top and also floor centerpieces for around the room. I appreciate any feedback..

Thank you!

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70's Disco Theme
by: Margit

Hi Charisse,

When I think of the 70's, the peace sign comes to mind, jukeboxes and "flower power". How about having some huge balloon flowers as floor centerpieces around the room?

Do you also need a backdrop somewhere? The a gigantic peace sign or a jukebox would for sure look classy. You might want to look at the Rouse Matrix Balloon Art Galleries for some inspiration.

Good luck. Sorry for not having more creative ideas for you!

And as always, we would love to see a photo of your balloon decoration (it does not have to be from a wedding, pictures from birthday parties or other events are welcome too).


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