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3ft balloons

by Frances

3 ft Confetti Balloons [Image source:]

3 ft Confetti Balloons [Image source:]

Hi, I've been asked to make 4 x 3ft balloons with confetti inside. I assume it's 40/60 air/helium to fill but how can I get the confetti to stick to the side & make them look pretty?

The client wants to pop them so the confetti comes flying out. Many thanks for your help.


Hi Frances,

Thanks for stopping by. These giant confetti filled balloons are one of my favorite designs.

I've found an awesome video to show the process step by step (embedded further down). In a nutshell, these are the steps:

1) Pre-inflate the clear 3ft balloon with air to full size to check for any potential flaws in the material.

2) Apply a generous amount of Ultra Hi-Float evenly to the inside of the balloon. Then use a balloon expander tool to keep the balloon neck wide open.

3) Measure 25 g of paper confetti and fill it into the balloon.

4) Inflate the balloon with air again, swirling it around while inflating to spread out the confetti evenly.

5) Release part of the air (let the balloon shrink to about 45 cm or 17.7 inches), to make room for the helium.

6) Now inflate the 3ft balloon with helium, but stay slightly under the 3 ft. David in the video inflates them to 27.5 inches (70 cm).

Good luck with your design. Would love to see a photo!

Here's the step-by-step video. Big thumbs up to David Taylor from

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Reply to Ela
by: Margit

Hi Ela! Great to "see" you again. :)

Yes, good point about using metallic confetti rather than paper one. And thank you for the tip about the Gemar Hi-Float. I'll have to check it out.



Confetti balloons
by: Ela

I think it's metallic confetti as the paper 🗞️ will get wet when in contact with the High float. There's the new clear hi float by Gemar, it's much neater and won't cloud a clear balloon.

Answer to MJ
by: Margit

Hi MJ,

I suppose you mean filling a 3 foot latex balloon with a mix of 60% helium and 40% air, and how this would impact float time compared to a balloon filled with 100% helium?

For such a large balloon the 60/40 mix of helium and air is perfectly fine. It won't affect float time in a significant way.

Typical float times for a 3 foot balloon vary between 3 and 5 days.

The best way to achieve a 60/40 mix is to use a special inflator valve, like this Latex Balloon Inflator 60/40 Air Mixer by Zephyr.

Hope that helps.


by: MJ

Hi , if i fo a 40/60 how long would it stay up in the air????

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