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Balloony News Special, Shortlived RESOLUTION vs Lifelong SOLUTION December 30, 2006 |
All Things Balloon - Fresh Ideas for Young & Old If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and us a big favor and "pay it forward." If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting our Balloony News Subscription Page.
Shortlived RESOLUTION vs Lifelong SOLUTIONHi, New Years Eve - THE time of RESOLUTIONS!
"On the 1st of January I'll smoke my very last cigarette!" How long do your resolutions normally last? Mine typically had a life span of 10 days, maybe one month. So I gave up on them long ago. But in January 2006 I found something that was much better than a resolution. It was a LIFELONG SOLUTION to my biggest wish: building a second income stream by working from home, doing something I love doing and using the near infinite possibilities of the internet. The result: our Balloon Decoration Guide. Still a long way to go - but next month we're going to receive our very first Google Adsense cheque! You can do that too! And you're even luckier than I was as I only found out about 'Site Build It! (SBI!)' AFTER their holiday special was over. So I had to pay the full price of 299 $ (which is still incredibly cheap for what you get), but YOU could still take advantage of their "Buy 1 Get 1 FREE" holiday special! Maybe you know someone who's been thinking of starting a business from home for a long time - and share the cost with him/her. Or you give the second subscription away to someone special, as a gift that keeps on earning. Or you keep it for yourself as you might have two hobbies/passions/business ideas that you could build a web site about. Whatever you decide, you have 9 months time to start building the second site. And no matter what, you always have SiteSell's rock solid 100 % money back guarantee should you decide that SBI! is not for you ... but I doubt it. Have you got 30 minutes to invest in your future? Then take the SBI! Video Tour to find out whether SBI! is for you. Or read the inspiring case studies ... whether you have an information publishing site in mind, or think about selling e-goods/hard goods, or if you'd like to share your insider knowledge and passion about your favourite holiday destination ... you'll find a real life success story there and you'll discover your own dreams in it. But hurry, the 'Buy 1 Get 1 FREE' special ends on 3rd of January 2007! Wishing you an exciting, rewarding and healthy New Year! Margit & John p.s. You'll know about our 'Why I love SBI!' video from the last newsletter. If you'd like to find out what 37 fellow SBI'ers think about SBI! and how it changed their lives, you shouldn't miss the I love SBI! page. This page is the result of an amazing contest with 140+ entries and a combined total prize sum of 43.500 $. We are proud that we made it into the final round, not as prize winners, but as honourable mentions, and we'll gladly accept the 500 $ that come with it. |
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