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Balloony News, Issue #002 - Why not send Your Love in a Box?
July 26, 2006

All Things Balloon - Fresh Ideas for Young & Old

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Issue #002, July 2006

Table of Contents

  1. What's new on our Web-Site: 'Marabou Balloon Heart' and
    'Balloon in a Box'
  2. Weird & Wonderful News from the 'World of Balloons'
  3. Tip of the Month
  4. Must-Remember-Dates


Well, our second issue of 'Balloony News' is out, finally!

Please enjoy ... and, as always, your feedback is most welcome. Just reply to this e-zine and let us know your comments, suggestions or requests. We'd love to hear from you!

What's new on our Web-Site:
'Marabou Balloon Heart' and 'Balloon in a Box'

In both designs a balloon heart plays the central role. For the 'Marabou Balloon Heart' we attached a small latex heart to a special balloon stick and dressed it up with delicate 'Marabou' feathers. The result is not only an elegant table decoration, but also a unique alternative to traditional place setting name card holders.

Click here to see how you can easily make a 'Marabou Balloon Heart'.

Our second new design, the 'Balloon in a Box' is an ideal gift for young and old alike. Have you ever received one yourself? Then you know the surprise when you open the big, yet feather light box and a shiny mylar balloon heart gently floats out! So, why not send your love to someone special with a self-made 'Balloon in a Box?

Weird & Wonderful News from the 'World of Balloons'

In our last issue we covered where and when latex balloons were invented ... and found out that the very first latex balloon actually had the shape of a cat's head!

In this issue we're going to find out what a latex balloon and a turnip have in common!

Latex is a milky fluid that comes from a tree growing in many of the world's rain forests: the rubber tree or 'Hevea brasiliensis'. Although first found in the Amazon basin, the country of Maylasia is now the world's largest producer of natural latex. For the tree, latex is said to be a defense against insect predators.

To collect the latex, the bark is cut with a knife and the fluid is then caught in a cup as it drips out. The great thing is, that this harvesting doesn't do any permanent damage to the tree. A single rubber tree can produce rubber for about 40 years!

Therefore they represent a nearly perpetual cash crop, which helps discouraging people from cutting them down. So, the need for natural rubber actually contributes to preserving the rain forests of the world for future generations.

Latex is also classified as...would you believe...a vegetable? So, now we know what a turnip and a latex balloon have in common :-)

Tip of the Month

The most effective way to keep any spare latex balloons you may have from degrading is simply to place them inside a self-sealing food bag. Be sure to squeeze all the air out of the bag before you seal it. And then store in a cool dark place. This easy tip will make sure that your balloons will stay fresh and looking like new for months.

Must-Remember-Dates: 'Friendship Day' on 6th of August!

Did you know that the first Sunday in August is 'Friendship Day'? So, why not surprise a friend with a 'Balloon in a Box'?

Special note to our readers living in Germany: if you'd rather have a hand-crafted 'Balloon in a Box' delivered to your (or your friends) doorstep than making it yourself, please feel free to contact us.

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